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Great Quote from Irenaeus (early church father and apologist, died AD 202)

"In the beginning, therefore, did God form Adam, not as if He stood in need of man, but that He might have [some one] upon whom to confer His benefits ...Nor did He stand in need of our service when He ordered us to follow Him....but He grants to those who follow and serve Him life and in-corruption and eternal glory, bestowing benefit upon those who serve [Him]... but does not receive any benefit from them: for He is rich, perfect, and in need of nothing. But for this reason ...[that] He may benefit those who continue in His service. For, as much as God is in want of nothing, so much does man stand in need of fellowship with God. For this is the glory of man, to continue and remain permanently in God’s service." Irenaeus - Against Heresies 4.14.1

Great Quote from Rupertus Meldenius

"In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity." According to Phillip Shaff in his History of the Christian Church, volume 7, this quote commonly attributed to St. Augustin was actually made much later in 1627 during the "the fiercest dogmatic controversies and the horrors of the Thirty Years' War" among the Lutheran and German Reformed churches. The question is, do you know what the essentials are that determine Christian orthodoxy? If not, click here and watch Dr. Norman Geisler explain them.

Great Quote from A.W. Tozer

"God sovereignly decreed that man should be free to exercise moral choice, and man from the beginning has fulfilled that decree by making his choice between good and evil. When he chooses to do evil, he does not thereby countervail the sovereign will of God but fulfills it, inasmuch as the eternal decree decided not which choice the man should make but that he should be free to make it. If in His absolute freedom God has willed to give man limited freedom, who is there to stay His hand or say, “What doest thou?” Man’s will is free because God is sovereign. A God less than sovereign could not bestow moral freedom upon His creatures. He would be afraid to do so." (from Knowledge of the Holy by Tozer)

Does Romans 9 Teach the Doctrine of Reprobation?

Dr. Eric Hankin has authored an excellent article regarding this subject. Historically Calvinist commentators have read this concept into Romans 9 and promoted the doctrine of reprobation (double predestination). John Piper, one of the more popular and outspoken Calvinists on his website (, quoted by Matt Perman) says this "... double predestination, is simply the flip side of unconditional election. Just as God chooses whom he will save without regard to any distinctives in the person ..., so also he decides whom he will not save without regard to any distinctives in the individual .... By definition, the decision to elect some individuals to salvation necessarily implies the decision not to save those that were not chosen. God ordains not only that some will be rescued from his judgment, but that others will undergo that judgment." This Calvinistic view of God eternally predestining people to eternal damnation is not compatible with what the Bible teaches doctrinally, nor with the revelation of Gods nature and characteristics. So much of this confusion is based on a Calvinistic reading of Romans 9. Dr. Eric Hankin has authored an excellent response to this issue in his article entitled "Romans 9 and the Doctrine of Reprobation" (click title to read), which is highly recommended for those interested in this subject.





The development and concern for literacy and education was originally intended in Europe during the Reformation and the founding of our own country to enable the people to read and understand the scriptures. For without them, any nation is destined to perish in their ignorance and folly.

Following quote from Luther's Works: The Christian in Society, ed. James Atkinson, vol. 44 (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress, 1966), 207.

"I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth...I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt."  Martin Luther

Following is the "Old Satan Deluder Law": 1642 Massachusetts

Church of the Holy Trinity v. U.S., 143 U.S. 457, 467 (1892)

“It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former time…It is therefore ordered…that after the Lord hath increased the settlement…they shall…appoint one within their town, to teach all such children to read…they shall set up a grammar school to instruct youths…”

How "The Old Deluder Satan Act" Made Sure Puritan Children Got Educated

In 1675, William Scant of Braintree, Mass., was brought before the court for breaking a law called the Old Deluder Satan Act: He had refused to educate his children. The court ordered Braintree’s selectmen to find another home for the Scant children.

In the Puritan town of Braintree and in every other, ignorance was considered barbaric. Puritans believed everyone should be able to read so they could study the Scriptures for themselves. William Bradford managed to own 400 books in the primitive colony of Plimoth Plantation.


If you want to understand the Kingdom of God and how it relates to the work of God in this world, you want to read this book: The Coming Kingdom by Dr. Andy Woods. Click here to view his series online.

(It is an essential read for Christians as it combines what the scriptures teach about Gods Kingdom and how the Christian should relate to it.)

If there is one book you read on the Person of Christ, make it The Crisis of the Christ by G. Campbell Morgan!

G. Campbell Morgan in his masterful way has given great detail on man in his original state and his state after the fall having the effects of sin. Then how the God-man - Gods ideal man - came into the world to reveal God through perfect humanity and ultimately rescue fallen man from his ruin. There is no way to fully encapsulate this book in an overview, it is rich with exposition of varying scriptures and by that exposition supplies tremendous insight to the Bible overall and in specific to its revelation of Jesus of Nazareth. Click on the book icon to download a PDF version (available in public domain).


This book is both informative and very helpful if you want to understand the NAR history and development, along with a lesson on the proper analysis of biblical heresies. The authors (R. Douglas Grivett and Holly Pivec) have really laid out an easy to understand presentation of what can be a difficult to define movement. I appreciate their candor and humility as they approach a subject that can be easily misunderstood beucse of the people involved. Yet, they do an honest assessment and back it up with scriptural support in a properly contextual manner. The very reason that these type of groups and beliefs thrive among those in the Body of Christ is because the bible is continually used without any regard for context. The bible was given in a context and it was meant to be read and taught within that framework. Too many today use the bible as a fortune cookie, pulling all kinds of verses out of their context to map out their beliefs and perspectives. If you are interested in developing your method of bible study and at the same time learn some recent church movements in the "wrong" direction, this is a great book and I highly recommend it.


JESUS SAID, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6) The following comments are from Albert Barnes' Notes on the New Testament (underlines added)

I am the way - By this is meant, doubtless, that they and all others were to have access to God only by obeying the instructions, imitating the example, and depending on the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the leader in the road, the guide to the wandering, the teacher of the ignorant, and the example to all.

The truth - The source of truth, or he who originates and communicates truth for the salvation of men. Truth is a representation of things as they are. The life, the purity, and the teaching of Jesus Christ was the most complete and perfect representation of the things of the eternal world that has been or can be presented to man. The ceremonies of the Jews were shadows; the life of Jesus was the truth. The opinions of men are fancy, but the doctrines of Jesus were nothing more than a representation of facts as they exist in the government of God. It is implied in this, also, that Jesus was the fountain of all truth; that by his inspiration the prophets spoke, and that by him all truth is communicated to men.

The life - God is declared to be “life,” or the “living” God, because he is the source or fountain of life. This attribute is here ascribed to Jesus Christ. He not merely made the material worlds, but he also gave “life.” He was the agent by which the vegetable world became animated; by which brutes live; and by which man became a living soul, or was endowed with immortality. This was a “higher” proof that the “Word was God,” than the creation of the material worlds; but there is another sense in which he was “life.” The “new creation,” or the renovation of man and his restoration from a state of sin, is often compared with the “first creation;” and as the Logos was the source of “life” then, so, in a similar but higher sense, he is the source of “life” to the soul dead in trespasses and sins. And it is probably in reference to this that he is so often called “life” in the writings of John. ...he is the source or the fountain of both natural and spiritual life.

No man cometh to the Father but by me - To come to the Father is to obtain his favor, to have access to his throne by prayer, and finally to enter his kingdom. No man can obtain any of these things except by the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. By coming by him is meant coming in his name and depending on his merits. We are ignorant, and he alone can guide us. We are sinful, and it is only by his merits that we can be pardoned. We are blind, and he only can enlighten us. God has appointed him as the Mediator, and has ordained that all blessings shall descend to this world through him. Hence he has put the world under his control; has given the affairs of men into his hand, and has appointed him to dispense whatever may be necessary for our peace, pardon, and salvation.


Exodus Gods and Kings Movie - Biblical names but unbiblical concepts - another debacle

Before you see this movie you may want to read the review by Brian Mattson. Though this movie doesn't take a background in Gnosticism and Kabala to figure out the the weird imagery and terms, a simple reading of the Exodus story in the Bible provides all the information needed - that's just for story accuracy which Hollywood struggles (you would have to assume on purpose) to avoid. They have such an agenda when it comes to any subject about the God of the Bible that all logic, reason, accuracy and of course the source of their story (the Bible) are completely ignored for a revision of history to their own making. Sometimes I think that the film makers have watched so many movies themselves that they must think that if they change history on the big screen that somehow it changes the realty of the situation - which is another thing (reality) they struggle with. There is a reason  the Jews ended up in Egypt, certainly this should be part of the story and God is the reason they are there. It was entirely by His plan and purpose for Israel and ultimately the birth of the Son of God and Savior of the world that is behind the activity of God regarding Israel. Understanding the purpose of why the Israelites are in Egypt in the first place (found in a simple reading of Genesis 12-50) makes all this clear from the call of Abraham to the twelve sons of Jacob that make up the twelve tribes - where they got their names from. To read the review by Brian Mattson, click here for his analysis.


Noah Movie - Clarifying the symbols and unbiblical concepts

Before you see the movie, make sure you know what the book of Genesis clearly teaches. You can use the downloadable commentary below by Henry Morris in the 10th grade class outline. Each Genesis chapter is clearly marked in the main outline headings. Knowing Genesis is the first and primary book Christians should be clear on. If you are looking for an in-depth commentary on the book of Genesis, I would highly recommend The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Jesus warned us about the days of Noah in Matt 24:37-ff, here is an excerpt from The Genesis Record that lists the conditions warned about - click here for the list.

Secondly, you should read the analysis by Dr. Brian Mattson - click here for his analysis. His review of the movie is excellent and will provide detailed information that most people will not recognize unless they are well read in certain comparative religions. These two steps can prepare you to share with people who see the movie and believe that it represents the teaching of Genesis - which it doesn't. Don't expect to get a bible study on Genesis, instead there is a clear theme that is more inline with the ancient Jewish mystic cult of Kabbalah. Knowing Genesis and reading Dr. Mattson's analysis will enable you to make sense of the symbolism, perspectives of the characters and images in the movie. The message the movie didn't give was that Noah and his family were preserved in the flood to continue the human race so that the Messiah could eventually come to deliver man who was ruined by sin, fulfilling the promise given in the garden (Gen 3:15).

Finally, as believers we've never had the luxury to be lazy when it comes to bible study. The present situation in our culture - we are commanded to reach - can only receive the truth from those who know the bible well enough to present the truth to them. We must be able to provide a reason for the hope that lies within us as Peter admonishes us. If you are confronted by someone who sees the movie, will you be able to provide them with the answers for why the message of Genesis is different than the one presented in the movie? Can you provide a reason for the hope that lies within you? It's not to late to begin to be a student of scripture. "The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple." Ps119:130



 The highlighted quote is essential to establishing the possibility of Darwinian evolution. Though Darwin goes on to state he himself has not been able to refute his own theory - hence why wrote the book - his position was clear. Now that "time" (the god evolutionist's look to for supplying all miraculous activity to make the story work) has passed since his writing, has any complex organ been shown, "demonstrated" or observed (true scientific method) to have been formed by "numerous, successive, slight modifications"? The answer is "No"! After more than a century of searching for transitional forms in the fossil record, no credible evidence has resulted - nothing "demonstrated". Based on the lack of "demonstrated" success, the late Stephen Jay Gould (Paleontologist at Harvard) co-authored the "Punctuated Equilibrium" explanation with Niles Eldredge in 1972. In this they described how living things didn't evolve as Darwin stated, but in stages that left "no evidence" in the fossil record. Is it really "sound science" to create a non observable or testable explanation to support the "missing" evidence of Darwinism? Lets think clearly on this, the evidence Gould put forth was that there was "no evidence". Both theories are obviously missing more than transitional forms, neither offers anything "demonstrated" other than creative imaginations and fictional stories. Additionally, I find it a bit ironic that Gould said "Creationist critics often charge that evolution cannot be tested, and therefore cannot be viewed as a properly scientific subject at all. This claim is rhetorical nonsense." [quote from Dinosaur in a Haystack]. This is from the man (Gould) that proposed an explanation that defies observation, testing, logic, reason or "demonstrated" evidence. And we must remember that this story book explanation was proposed because the "evidence" Darwin hoped would eventually "demonstrated" to support for his theory has never been found. In short, we would have to conclude that if Darwin were alive today, based on his own statement he wouldn't even hold to his own theory. Why should anyone else?

Additionally, we have another quote made later in the book by Darwin highlighted showing his own confusion over the lack of fossil evidence. He did a lot of surmising, speculating and wishful thinking as to why and when fossils would eventually be found to catch-up with his mythical story of macro-evolution, but they just never showed up. Darwin and his followers could easily be accused of believing an absolute conclusion without ever being thrown off by a lack of evidence to support it. They also could be accused of believing the evolutionary story even though all known evidence to the contrary is available to them. But facts to the contrary have never thrown them off the trail of hunting for the non existent. They are like the misguided detective who has predetermined who did the murder before showing up to the crime scene and refuses to base conclusions on evidence. But instead, only uses his fabricated theory, devoid of any crime scene evidence to the contrary, to pin the murder on someone he wants to be guilty of it. The tragic result in a murder investigation of this type would be a waste of time and resources with the possible end result of an innocent man going to jail and a guilty man going free. The tragic result of Darwinism is a colossal waste of time and resources over years of hunting for a missing link that is non existent and ignoring the fact that all the evidence shows God created the heavens and the earth. It should be understood that the consequences of following the bad science of evolution not only teaches people how to keep their unwarranted biases while pretending to be objective, but directs many people away from believing in God as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Atheism has eternal consequences to it no matter what they believe - eventually these facts cannot be ignored. Darwinism, as the atheism it most often results in has no evidence to support it and no reasoning behind it. It is purely emotionally and volitionally based, it is bad science, illogical reasoning, and throws them off course as they hunt for answers. Perhaps they should listen to Darwin and realize the "serious objection" to his theory - all the evidence! Which in most cases is simply lack of it. As it has been said, its just "a fairytale for grown ups".








Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA wrote, "Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved". (What Mad Pursuit, 1990, pg 138)

Richard Dawkins on page 4 of his revised and updated book, 'The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design', stated, "Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose. ... At first sight, man-made artifacts like computers and cars will seem to provide exceptions. They are complicated and obviously designed for a purpose, yet they are not alive, and they are made of metal and plastic rather than flesh and blood."

So, if I understand the logic of these revered evolutionists, I would have to conclude that:

  1. they work very hard to "define" (not prove) away the obvious (self evident by their quotes) appearance of design in living systems,
  2. living systems are more complex than computers and cars, but based on their view have no design or purpose,
  3. flesh and blood is "easier" to come about than plastic and metal - though plastic and metal have to be "designed", and
  4.  we are supposed to take their word for what we should consider as "designed for a purpose" because the obvious appearance of design in living systems is really not, but only because they say so.

Unless I'm missing something, I would expect that Crick and Dawkins both wrote their books by design with a particular purpose. At this point, I would understand the purpose is to tell people that what they observe in living systems is not really what they should draw their obvious conclusions on, but that they should filter all their conclusions through the eyes of Crick and Dawkins. Further, why do they work so hard to tell us that what we see is not really what we are seeing? Am I supposed to deny my senses when looking at observable life, but believe my senses when I read Crick and Dawkins? Dawkins thinks that living systems which are more complex than non living systems can make themselves (merely because they are alive) and result in what we have today in life, thought, purpose etc. I don't think the "Watchmaker" is the blind in this scenario. To follow the logic of these guys just because of who they are is no different than saying that you like the kings new clothes - just because it's the popular position - when the king is naked...


TRUTH VS. TOLERANCE (quote from 'I don't have enough faith to be an atheist' by Geisler & Turek) - Highly recommended!


"While most religions have some beliefs that are true, not all religious beliefs can be true because they are mutually exclusive—they teach opposites. In other words, some religious beliefs must be wrong. But you’re not supposed to say that in America today. You’re supposed to be “tolerant” of all religious beliefs. And in our culture today, tolerance no longer means to put up with something you believe to be false (after all, you don’t tolerate things you agree with). Tolerance now means that you’re supposed to accept every belief as true! In a religious context, this is known as religious pluralism—the belief that all religions are true. There are a number of problems with this new definition of tolerance.

First, let us say that we are thankful that we have religious freedom in this country, and we don’t believe in imposing a religion legislatively (see our book Legislating Morality). We are well aware of the dangers of religious intolerance and believe that we should accept and respect people who have different religious beliefs. But that doesn’t mean that personally we ought to embrace the impossible notion that all religious beliefs are true. Since mutually exclusive religious beliefs cannot be true, it makes no sense to pretend that they are. In fact, on an individual level it can be dangerous to do so. If Christianity is true, then it’s dangerous to your eternal destiny not to be a Christian. Likewise, if Islam is true, then it’s dangerous to your eternal destiny not to be a Muslim.

Second, the claim that “you ought not question someone’s religious beliefs” is itself a religious belief for pluralists. But this belief is just as exclusive and “intolerant” as any religious belief of a Christian or Muslim. In other words, pluralists think all non-pluralist beliefs are wrong. So pluralists are just as dogmatic and closed-minded as anyone else making truth claims in the public square. And they want everyone who disagrees with them to see things their way.

Third, the prohibition against questioning religious beliefs is also an absolute moral position. Why shouldn’t we question religious beliefs? Would it be immoral to do so? And if so, by whose standard? Do pluralists have any good reasons supporting their belief that we ought not question religious beliefs, or is it just their own personal opinion that they want to impose on the rest of us? Unless they can give us good reasons for such a moral standard, why should we allow them to impose it on us? And why are pluralists trying to impose that moral position on us anyway? That’s not very “tolerant” of them.

Fourth, the Bible commands Christians to question religious beliefs (e.g., Deut. 13:1-5; 1 John 4:1; Gal. 1:8; 2 Cor. 11:13; etc.). Since Christians have a religious belief that they ought to question religious beliefs, then pluralists—according to their own standard—should accept this Christian belief as well. But of course they do not. Ironically, pluralists —advocates of the new tolerance—are not really tolerant at all. They only “tolerate” those who already agree with them, which by anyone’s definition is not tolerance."

Geisler, Norman and Turek, Frank. I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist, Crossway Books. Epub Electronic Edition.

You can find out more about Dr. Norman Geisler and available resources for theology and apologetics at or .



STEALING FROM GOD: WHY ATHEISTS NEED GOD TO MAKE THEIR CASE, By Frank Turek (quote from book below). Highly recommended!


"We shouldn’t allow atheists to hide behind their lacking definition. A true atheist is someone who believes there is no God. And atheists have the burden of proof to show how materialism is true and reality can be explained without God. As we’ll see, when they try to make their case for atheism, they have to steal from God to do so."
Turek, Frank. Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case . NavPress. Kindle Edition.

You can find out more about Dr. Frank Turek and available resources for apologetics at .










Bible Curriculum Outlines


Online Resources: CMI (Creation Ministries International) has great online resource books, study guides and other material available. 

15 Questions that show how evolution does not answer the big questions that it claims to answer (click on picture)

  Two frauds used to support evolution are exposed (click on picture)

Gary Bates (CEO of Creation Ministries International and author of Alien Intrusion) does an excellent presentation on "UFOs and the Evolution Connection", click here to view the video.


10th Grade Class Outline (click on 'download' or 'handout' for pdf or link)

I. Principles of Bible Study (handout)

  1. Literal, Historical and Grammatical approach - discussion
  2. The problems with the allegorical approach - discussion
  3. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 1 "Does God Exist?" - (handout)

II. The Book of Beginnings (Intro to Genesis, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis Intro here)

  1. Intro chapter
    1. Bible as a Textbook of Science (handout)
    2. Biblical Creationism and Scientific Creationism defined - (handout)
    3. 4 Reasons why the bible is reliable, by David Guzik - (handout)

III. The Creation of the World (Gen 1:1-2, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 1 notes here)

  1. Darwins Theory of Evol - (handout)
  2. Ontongeny Recapitulates Phylogeny - (handout)
  3. Evolution and the Bible by Henry Morris - (handout)
  4. Variation and Natural Selection versus Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati – (handout)
  5. The Gap Theory Problems and Inconsistencies Part A by Ken Ham – (handout)
  6. The Gap Theory Problems and Inconsistencies Part B by Ken Ham - (handout)
  7. The Gap Theory - An Idea with Holes? by Henry Morris - (handout)
  8. Mutations: The Raw Material for Evolution? By Barney Maddox – (handout)
  9. The Gap Theory (book – handouts)
  10. Evidence for a Young World by Russell Humphreys – (handout)
  11. Why Christians Shouldn’t Accept Millions of Years by Terry Mortenson – (handout)
  12. 'Asa and Bara', 'Was': selected topics from Unformed and Unfilled by Weston Fields - (handouts)
  13. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 3 "What about Gap Theories?" - (handout)

IV. The Six Days of Creation (Gen 1:3-2:3, Genesis Record by Henry Morris)

  1. In Six Days (book)
    1. Chap 3 by John Kramer
    2. Chap 6 by Jonathan Sarfati
    3. Chap 7 by Ariel Roth
  2. The Day-Age Theory Revisited by Henry Morris – (handout)
  3. Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory by Richar Niessen – (handout)
  4. 10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution by Werner Gitt – (hangout)
  5. Why does the universe look so old? By R. Albert Mohler - (handout)
  6. Various video presentations from Answers for Darwin Conference
  7. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 2 "Six Days? Really?" - (handout)
  8. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 4 "What about Carbon Dating?" - (handout)
  9. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 5 "How Can We See Distant Stars in a Young Universe?" - (handout)
  10. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 19 "What About Dinosaurs?" - (handout)

V. The Creation of Man (Gen 2, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 2 notes here)

  1. Anthropology chap 5 (Collapse of Evolution by Scott Huse)
  2. An Analysis of the claims by Evolutionists – (handout)
  3. Was Lucy and Ape-man? By John Morris – (handout)
  4. Should we search for extraterrestrial intelligence? By David Laughlin – (handout)
  5. God and the extraterrestrials, Are we alone or is there life elsewhere in the universe? By Werner Gitt – (handout)
  6. Fossil Record Hoax’s – handout
  7. Creation, Mutation and Variation (handout)
  8. Natural Selection is not "Nature's Intelligence" by Randy J. Guliuzza - (handout)
  9. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 7 "What About Arguments For Evolution?" - (handout)
  10. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 15 "Where Are All The Human Fossils?" - (handout)

VI. The Fall of Man (Gen 3, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 3 notes here)

  1. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 6 "How Did Bad Things Come About?" - (handout)
  2. Is Male Headship a Curse? (IE. Result of the Fall?) - (handout)

VII. The Lost World (Gen 4-5, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 4 notes here)(Genesis 5 notes here)

  1. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 8 "Who Was Cain's Wife?" - (handout)

VIII. The Days of Noah (Gen 6, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 6 notes here)

  1. Who / what were the Nephilim? - (handout)
  2. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 9 "Were The 'Sons of God' and/or Nephilim Extra-Terrestrials?" - (handout)

IX. The Great Flood (Gen 7-8, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 7 notes here)(Genesis 8 notes here)

  1. Where are all the human fossils? by Andrew Snelling (handout)
  2. Geologic Evidences for the Genesis Flood By Andrew Snelling – (handout)
  3. Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds By Andrew Snelling –(handout)
  4. Formation of Fossil beds (from The World that Perished by John Whitcomb)
  5. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 10 "Was The Flood Global?" - (handout)
  6. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 11 "What About Continental Drift?" - (handout)
  7. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 12 "Noah's Flood - What About All The Water?" - (handout)
  8. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 13 "How Did The Animals Fit On Noah's Ark?" - (handout)
  9. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 14 "How did Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Survive?" - (handout)
  10. Designed to Adapt? - discussing genetic information in animals for adaptation - (handout)
  11. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 16 "What About The Ice Age?" - (handout)
  12. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 17 "How Did The Animals Get To Australia?" - (handout)

X. The New World (Gen 9, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 9 notes here)

  1. Third dispensation chart – handout from bible panorama

XI. God and the Nations (Gen 10-11, Genesis Record by Henry Morris) (Download Genesis 10 notes here)(Genesis 11 notes here)

  1. The Tragedy of a Tower (OT Survey by Harold Willmington)
  2. What did the tower look like ��� Answers in Genesis – (handout)
  3.  Cultural Deities – handout
  4. CMI Creation Answers Book Chapter 18 "How Did All The Different 'Races' Arise?" - (handout)


10th Grade Apologetics Outline

The format and sequence for this class is taken from that taught by Dr. Norman Geisler. I am forever grateful to Dr. Geisler for his diligence and labor in serving the Lord faithfully over the course of his life. I have personally benefitted from his efforts and I don't believe that there is a more beneficial approach of teaching the truth. Dr. Geisler has done a great service to the Body of Christ in the area of Apologetics and defense of the inerrancy of the Bible. Pastor Scott

I. Apologetics?

  • Video Presentation - What is Apologetics (click here for transcript of video)
    • Understanding Effective Biblical Apologetics by James Johnson, J.D, ThD. - (handout)
    • PowerPoint Presentation - The Need for Apologetics by Norm Geisler

The following sequence is a logical outflow, each one building upon the previously established truth.

  • 1.The Truth is Knowable (absolute) - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
    • Frank Turek illustration video - Is Truth Knowable?
  • 2.The Opposite of True is False (law of non-contradiction) - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
    • Video Presentation - How can we know the One True God?
  • 3. Its True The Theistic God Exists - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 4. If God Exists Then Miracles are Possible - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 5. Miracles can be Used to Confirm a Message from God - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 6. The New Testament is Historically Reliable - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
    • Inspiration
      • Predictive Prophecy reveals inspiration (objective)
      • The Deaths of the Apostles - (handout) - power of Bible's truth reveals inspiration
    • Canonization
      • Articles from Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Norman Geisler: Canonicity of the Bible and OT and NT Apocrypha.
      • Video series on the Bible by Norm Geisler
      • From God to Us the Biblical Canon by Norm Geisler - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
      • Video Presentation - Is the NT Reliable? (click for transcript of video)
      • Video Presentation - Where did the NT come from? (click for transcript of video)
      • Case for the NT - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
      • Inspiration of the NT - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
      • Video Presentation - Is the OT Reliable? (click for transcript of video)
    • Transmission (historicity of the document reveals accurate transmission)
    • Translations of the Bible
      • Bible Translations - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 7. The NT says Jesus Claimed to be God - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 8. Jesus' Claim to be God was Confirmed by Miracles
  • 9. Jesus [therefore] is God - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 10. Whatever Jesus [Who is God and can't err] Teaches is True
  • 11. Jesus Taught the Bible is the Word of God - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • 12. It is True [therefore] that the Bible is the Word of God and Everything Opposed is False - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler

II. How the cults view the Bible and their texts (page 168 et al, from Rose Bible Charts)

  • Quote from Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1:2 "Error, indeed, is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected. But it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, so as, by its outward form, to make it appear to the inexperienced (ridiculous as the expression may seem) more true than truth itself."
  • The doctrine of the Son (Deity of Christ)
  • Printout of the Son from Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by Wayne House
  • Video Presentation - Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? (click for transcript of video)
  • How cults distort God by scripture twisting and mixing truth with error
  • You will be doing your duty as Christ's minister if you remind your church members of these things (false teaching), and you will show yourself as one who owes his strength to the truth of the faith he has absorbed and the sound teaching he has followed. But steer clear of all these stupid Godless fictions. Take time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit. (Phillips translation of 1 Tim 4:6,7)

    • Warren Wiersbe said of these two verses: "Gods people need to be warned about false doctrine and religious apostasy. A minister must not major on these subjects, because he is obligated to teach all the counsel of God(Acts 20:27); but neither should he ignore them....A believer cannot rediscover new doctrines. Paul admonished Timothy to remain true to the good doctrine which you have closely followed up to now (1Tim 4:6, literal translation). He warned him not to give heed to fables and endless genealogies(1Tim 1:4). While a pastor must know what the enemy is teaching, he must not be influenced by it. A chemist may handle and study poisons, but he does not permit them to get into his system."

    • If we don't understand the truth, we won't understand when we are in error. If we are not aware of what teachings threaten the truth of God's Word, we will be unable to contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3), nor will we be able to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5). Paul did this and told the Philippian church he was in prison because of his defense and confirmation of the gospel (Phil 1:7). Therefore, we need to understand enough to be able to give a defense of the hope we have in us with meekness and fear (1 Pet 3:15).

  • The Importance of Knowing God - PP Presentation by Norm Geisler
  • Cults never describe Jesus as the Bible does
  • Salvation is always by works: a distorted view of God, man and sin
  • The Holy Spirit is never a Person, always a force or energy
  • How did the early councils (325AD Nicea) view Christ?
  • Arianism and Sabellianism (from Shaff's History of the Christian Church pg. 622-662) - (handout)
  • Explanation of Nicea by H. A. Ironside from "Lectures on the Revelation, The Seven Churches" - (handout)
  • The doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Deity of the Holy Spirit)
  • Printout from What the Bible Teaches by RA Torrey (handout)
  • Charts on the Holy Spirit from Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by Wayne House
  • The doctrine of the Trinity
  • Printout of the Trinity from Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by Wayne House
  • Biblical Basis for the Doctrine of the Trinity by Rob Bowman - (handout)

III. Worldviews

  • 7 Major Worldviews from Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by Wayne House
  • Worldviews from Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Norm Geisler
  • Theism
  • Atheism
  • Deism
  • Finite Godism
  • Pantheism
  • Panentheism
  • Polytheism
  • Video Presentation - How can we know the Christian God is the One True God? (click for transcript of video)
  • Worldview determines our relationship to the world around us
  • It changes behavior and motivation
  • It gives the basis to comprehend the relativistic culture
  • It gives the ability to distinguish the truth from relativism
  • It gives values/morals clarity in relation to a relativistic culture
  • It provides perspective as the truth is used to evaluate other worldviews

IV. Theodicy

  • If God exists, why is there evil in the world? - Video by Dr. Geisler


11th Grade Bible Class - OT Survey

A Concise Old Testament Survey by *J. Hampton Keathley III (with selected articles and information from other sources)

Outline Survey providing key words, chapters, people and Christ as seen in each book



12th Grade Bible Class - NT Survey

A Concise New Testament Survey by *J. Hampton Keathley III (with selected articles and information from other sources)

Outline Survey providing key words, chapters, people and Christ as seen in each book


High School Christian Apologetics Class

Why I Still Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Frank Turek

            Walking apologetic material from Dr. Turek's Video and presentation materials.


High School Christian Ethics Class

Christian Ethics by Norm Geisler

            An analysis of ethical option and discussion on ethical issues

* J. Hampton Keathley III, Th.M. is a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. Hampton currently writes for the Biblical Studies Foundation and on occasion teaches New Testament Greek at Moody Bible Institute, Northwest Extension for External Studies in Spokane, Washington.




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