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Do You Know Jesus? - Click the Pic!

Click the picture or video button to hear a short message from Pastor Randy

Click for Sunday & Wed Video Messages

Click the button to view Pastor Randy's Sunday msgs and other Pastor's on Wednesday

Pastor Randy's Teachings on MP3

Click the picture or button to listen to all our pastor's teachings on the media page

Sunday Service at 10am

Join us as Pastor Randy teaches thru the NT Epistle of Romans!

Wednesday Evening Service at 7pm

Join us as Pastor Scott Greenberg teaches thru the NT book of 1 Corinthians!

 The Chapel Store

Hours Wed - Fri 10-4, before and after Sunday service and Wednesday evening study.

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The most important decision you will make!



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Sunday morning service at 10am

Wednesday Study, YG, AWANA, VBS (Summer) at 7pm



Browse our photo gallery of recent church events.

MP3 Ordering

To order MP3s of any of Pastor Randy's thru the Bible teachings, click here.

Featured Books

The Chapel Store highlights different books with an explanation of what the books value is. Check out the books featured this month by clicking the picture.

Called to Serve Classes


"The things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." II Timothy 2:2


Practical Ministry Training


As a means to "equip the saints for the work of the ministry…" (Ephesians 4:12), Calvary Chapel has developed this course in practical ministry training. It is intended to prepare the hearts of God’s servants and lay a foundation for those seeking to serve Him through the local church.

These studies are comprised of entry level ministry training for those who desire to serve the Lord in this capacity here at Calvary Chapel. You will be acquainted with the basic philosophy of ministry, helping you determine what calling God has on your life, and help you actively develop that call. 


How Will It Operate?________________

The Called to Serve Class is currently online. What we ask of you:

1. Watch the YouTube video series (3 videos, see link below),

2. download the homework package,

3. listen to MP3s related to the homework,

4. Turn in homework after completion to Pastor Scott Mitchell,

5. Complete the reading list over the next few months.


What Are The Requirements?________

1. Be a believer in Christ and have a desire to learn and grow.

2. Read, listen, and do the homework assignments (required book reading and listen to MP3s).

Require Reading:

    Calvary Chapel Distinctives - click here to read

    -- Distinctives podcast from CC Philly (good supplement) - click here

    Calvary Chapel Philosophy of Ministry - click here to read

    On Being a Servant - click here to read

    Harvest - click here to read

3. Participate in some area of ministry at Calvary Chapel.


What You Will Learn?________________

What the bible teaches on the subject of serving God.

Philosophy, privilege and responsibilities of ministry here at Calvary Chapel.

Various styles of leadership and roles in the church.

Some hindrances, temptations and struggles common to those seeking to serve God with their whole heart.

Keeping watch over your own heart, motives and priorities.


Class Material: ________________


 Video Series for Class - (click to watch)

Class Info and Homework Package - (click to download)

General Principles of Bible Interpretation

It is our hope that by the end of the series, believers will have a better understanding of God's calling for their lives as well as knowing the best possible expression of their calling through practical service in the local church fellowship.

Click here to download homework questions for mp3 messages below.


Click here to download mp3 for week 1 homework - Don McClure


Click here to download mp3 for week 2 homework - Joe Focht


Click here to download mp3 of 1 Cor. 4, Paul's view of Ministry - Joe Focht


Click here for mp3 msg: 1 Tim. 3, Elders and Qualifications - Pastor Randy





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