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Do You Know Jesus? - Click the Pic!

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Pastor Randy's Teachings on MP3

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Sunday Service at 10am

Join us as Pastor Randy teaches thru the NT Epistle of Romans!

Wednesday Evening Service at 7pm

Join us as Pastor Scott Greenberg teaches thru the NT book of 1 Corinthians!

 The Chapel Store

Hours Wed - Fri 10-4, before and after Sunday service and Wednesday evening study.

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Sunday morning service at 10am

Wednesday Study, YG, AWANA, VBS (Summer) at 7pm



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MP3 Ordering

To order MP3s of any of Pastor Randy's thru the Bible teachings, click here.

Featured Books

The Chapel Store highlights different books with an explanation of what the books value is. Check out the books featured this month by clicking the picture.


Featured Books by The Chapel Store

Building a library with quality Bibles, Commentaries and Christian books is a MUST for the serious and maturing Christian. Every other month we will feature various books that are of the highest value to assist believers in their spiritual pursuit. In addition, we will feature books that help develop a Christian world view regarding current issues we believe every Christian should be aware of. Finally, we highlight books that will encourage believers in their walk with the Lord through insightful perspectives on various topics that are of interest to maturing believers.


  By Dr. Henry Morris

The only commentary on the complete Book of Genesis penned by a creation scientist! Written from the conviction that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are truly historical as the remaining thirty-nine. Morris's narrative exposition draws on the biblical text and scientific evidence to affirm a young Earth/universe perspective, a 6-day creation, the universality of the flood, and more.

The Genesis Record is equally useful to both the theologically trained and the layperson. Pastor Scott Mitchell uses this commentary for the text book for his CCA high school bible class when teaching the first 11 chapters of Genesis.



  By J. Dwight Pentecost

Every Christian faces a powerful and cunning enemy-Satan. Victory over this opponent depends upon knowing his strategies and schemes and drawing upon the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to stand firm against him. As Dr. Pentecost observes, "No individual can be victorious against the adversary of our souls unless he understands that adversary; unless he understands his philosophy, his methods of operation, his methods of temptation. We hear very little today about Satan, and consequently many who recognize Satan's existence and acknowledge that he is the enemy of their souls are ill prepared to meet him...we do not know what Scripture teaches about this person, his methods, his plans, his program, his devices. Consequently, we fall in defeat.



  By A. W. Tozer

The Counselor will leave you with a deep longing to be filled with the blessed Spirit. Gifted at bringing lofty thoughts down low, Tozer explains clearly who the Spirit is and what it means to know Him. May The Counselor help you to cultivate sweet communion with God, that you may have joy, peace, life, and power in Him.

When the Holy Spirit is confined to creeds, the church becomes like a land with no water or a kite with no wind. In his life and writings, A.W. Tozer was insistent that the church reclaim a practical theology of the Holy Spirit--that it actually know Him.


  By Warren W. Wiersbe

We can't prevent crises from happening. But we can successfully deal with them. In this classic book, Warren W. Wiersbe offers solid hope and comfort in times of depression, frustration, disappointment, or loneliness. He extracts wisdom from the Bible and presents it in thirty brief, accessible meditations that guide readers to respond with faith, trust in God's promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, and add joy to life. With uplifting teaching and empowering challenges, this insightful book is a compelling devotional for any believer at any time.





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